Data Quality

Introducing DRG ASSURE

Now that APR-DRGs have been added to the mix, it is imperative that you align clinical documentation and code assignment to drive accurate quality scores.

Let NJHA-HBS’ team of experts assist!

We will review your Medicare and Medicaid fee-for-service impatient medical records to confirm that you have adequately captured severity of illness and risk of mortality. On either a prospective or retrospective basis, our team will identify and categorize documentation improvement opportunities, educate your staff and reinforce collaboration between your CDI, PI and HIM team. Our clients are achieving up to a 6 X return on investment.

HBS is a leader in health information data quality reviews.

Accuracy in coding and DRG assignment is more important now than ever before. Not only does it impact your reimbursement, but it now greatly impacts your quality scores.

Is your coding and DRG assignment accurate? COACH can help.

Our COde Audit Collaboration for Hospitals (COACH) Program will assist you in validating your staff coding: ICD-10-CM, ICD-10-PCS, CPT and HCPCS.

HBS Certified Trainers will lead the way!

We will...

  •  Review and validate your coded medical records
  •  Identify opportunities for improvement
  •  Analyze, summarize and categorize your coders' strengths and weaknesses
  •  Reinforce your coders' confidence with education customized to meet your needs, and
  •  COACH Your staff on an individual or group basis.